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وبلاگ تخصصی مهندسین مرتع و آبخیزداری

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دستاوردها و تجربیات ایران در مهار بیابان زایی (برگردان انگلیسی-1(یکشنبه 85 اسفند 6 ساعت 3:16 عصر )



Drought & Desertification Control:



Achievements and Experiences

of Islamic Republic of Iran


Mohammad Darvish



1.                 Introduction:


The desertification of Central Iran had most probably been due to the unstable periods of the earth which minimized the plant growth and biomass production (Motamed, 1992). Evidently, the climate of Iran used to be warm and humid when still located in lower than 10° Northern altitude, 180-200 million years ago (Lias Period) (Ahmadi, 1998), but as a result of continental movements during the past 1-2 million years (Neogen and Quaternery), most geographical boundaries of Iran was disposed between 25°-35° Northern altitudes (world deserts belt) which together with other environmental factors created a climatic condition leading to the formation of deserts in most parts of Iran (Motamed, 1992 and Ahmadi, 1998).

Although a long time has passed since the formation of deserts in Iran, but it seems insignificant in comparison with the appearance of the first deserts in the world 400-570 million years ago[1] (Asadian, 1986); Deserts of Iran are considered as young natural phenomena of 4600 million year old Earth (Moore et al, 1996), a planet that knows nothing of the 8 billion years of galaxy’s history[2].

 Even if we consider that the desertification process started 5000 years ago (Grimburg, 1941), yest in comparison with the above mentioned figures it would be considered as a fraction of a second. However, by affecting the life on earth within a short time, this germinal phenomenon has been able to compensate its time lag.

 Here is an attempt to review the first reactions of Iranians towards desertification and drought in Ancient Iran and recognize their latest achievements and experiences in this regard during the past 5 decades.

[1] Lower Paleozoic, the first geologic era (Cambrian to Silorian)

[2] The age of galaxy is estimated 12-14 billion years (Baslough, 1989

» مجتبی رجب پور و رضا نوروزی
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فشرده ای از آنچه که گذشت به زبان انگلیسی:(یکشنبه 85 اسفند 6 ساعت 3:16 عصر )


چکیدة انگلیسی از آنچه که در این تارنما تاکنون در مورد شاخص­ها و معیارهای بیابان­زایی ارایة شده است:


An Introduction to Introduce of  The Investigation Desertification in Iran; With Emphasis Criteria and Indicators of Desertification  


M. Darvish




The hypothesis or main issue of the present study is to review the possibility of achieving the minimum, expressive, simple and regional criteria and factors that can provide us with the actual review of the desertification process in Iran. In other words, this study attempts to introduce a list of the most efficient assessment criteria for the land degradation in the regions affected by the process of desertification and to provide measurable, accessible and simple factors for the assessment of exact condition of the said criteria. Therefore, by strengthening and updating the watch and observation systems of the country, the more accurate forecast of desertification risk according to the affected climatic conditions or natural environments and increase in percentage of success of the national action programmes are more expected.

In the process of this important achievement, the complete definition of desertification and its scope, and also its difference with other scientific terms such as desert and land degradation, together with strict and adducible norms for identification of criteria and indicators will be necessary. This paper has also tried to respond properly to the following question of: Why the climatic factors can not only be referred in the assessment of desertification process?


Keywords: Desertification, Critrion, Indicator, Aspect, Investigation, Land degradation


» مجتبی رجب پور و رضا نوروزی
»» نظرات دیگران ( نظر)

دستاوردها و تجربیات ایران در مهار بیابان زایی (برگردان انگلیسی-(یکشنبه 85 اسفند 6 ساعت 3:13 عصر )

۵.                      Conclusion:



Despite the number of human resources and facilities involved in the desertification control of extensive dry lands of the country, the considerable quality and quantity of activities carried out in research and administrative sectors indicate the hard work and cooperation among the experts and researchers of both sectors. More than half of the deserts of the country (more than 30 times of the sum of areas of 5 countries namely, Singapore, Bahrain, Malta, Maldives and Granada), have been included in the work area of administrative sector during the past 4 decades and in spite of its limited resources, the research sector have also carried out research in almost all work areas of implementation units with the purpose of inefficiency percentage reduction of administrative activities by implementation of 100 research projects. However, it seems that the ascending rate of the land productivity reduction process is proceeding with a considerable pace and the actions taken lack the necessary ability to hinder the desertification process. Some factors which have been effective in the occurrence of this situation are as follows:


                1)  Focus on preventive actions inside the natural limits of the deserts wrong attitude [1];

                2)  Domination of sectoral and centralized outlook regarding desertification control;

                3)  Excessive emphasis on structural management and boastful belief in engineering abilities in desertification control activities;

                4)  Downgrading environmental matters in administrative considerations of the country

                5)  Lack of unique guidance and coordination among organizations and administrative sectors of the country regarding desertification control;

                6)  Domination of attitude of crisis management in encountering natural disasters, especially droughts and floods.


[1] Effort for forestation of one million hectares of Yazd deserts or creating a green belt around the Central Desert (Sand Dune Fixation and Desertification Control Department, 1996), are examples of the said mistakes.

» مجتبی رجب پور و رضا نوروزی
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مدیر وبلاگ : مجتبی رجب پور و رضا نوروزی[347]
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