EPA 841-B-05-005, October 2005Fact Sheet: Handbook for Developing Watershed Plans to Restore and Protect Our WatersThe Handbook
Listen to January 18th, 2006 Webcast presentation "Using EPA’s Draft Handbook for Developing Watershed Plans to Restore and Protect Our Waters"
You can
order a free copy of the Handbook from the National Service Center for Environmental Publications (NSCEP). Contact NSCEP at 800-490-9198 or by e-mail,
nscep@bps-lmit.com. When requesting a copy of the Handbook, please refer to EPA document number: EPA 841-B-05-005. You can also
download the Handbook here.
How Does this Handbook Help to Protect and Restore Water Resources?
This draft handbook is intended to help communities, watershed organizations, and state, local, tribal and federal environmental agencies develop and implement watershed plans to meet water quality standards and protect water resources. It was designed to help any organization undertaking a watershed planning effort, and it should be particularly useful to persons working with impaired or threatened waters. EPA intends for this handbook to supplement existing watershed planning guides that have already been developed by agencies, universities, and other nonprofit organizations. The handbook is generally more specific than other guides with respect to guidance on quantifying existing pollutant loads, developing estimates of the load reductions required to meet water quality standards, developing effective management measures, and tracking progress once the plan is implemented.
EPA is making this draft document widely available with the purpose of having it used and tested by a variety of watershed partnerships. EPA will be seeking advice from such organizations in developing the final version. A mailbox for emailed comments, suggestions, and corrections has been created. Please address them to watershedhandbook@epa.gov. Submissions should be received by June 30, 2006
The links below present the full handbook and the handbook divided into 13 chapters, contents (including the cover page, table of contents, and acronyms and abbreviations), 2 appendices, a glossary, and a bibliography, with downloadable PDF files for each. You may download each file by clicking on its link.
The Handbook
About PDF Files... The documents listed on this site are PDF files. Viewing a PDF file requires use of Adobe"s free Acrobat Reader software. * EPA"s PDF page provides information on downloading the software. | |
Note: The full Handbook is a very large file that may take a long time to download. The individual parts (chapters and other divisions) of the full document are much smaller files that will open quicker. Opening the smaller files is the recommended viewing method. |
- Cover, Table of Contents & Acronyms & Abbreviations (PDF, 413 kb, 19 pp.)
- Chapter 1: Introduction
Brief description | Read full chapter (PDF, 311 kb, 10 pp.)
- Chapter 2: Overview of Watershed Planning Process
Brief description | Read full chapter (PDF, 846 kb, 22 pp.)
- Chapter 3: Build Partnerships
Brief description | Read full chapter (PDF, 623 kb, 24 pp.)
- Chapter 4: Define Scope of Watershed Planning Effort
Brief description | Read full chapter (PDF, 616 kb, 20 pp.)
- Chapter 5: Gather Existing Data & Create an Inventory
Brief description | Read full chapter (PDF, 1,461 kb, 56 pp.)
- Chapter 6: Identify Data Gaps & Collect Additional Data if Needed
Brief description | Read full chapter (PDF, 513 kb, 26 pp.)
- Chapter 7: Analyze Data to Characterize the Watershed & Pollutant Sources
Brief description | Read full chapter (PDF, 781 kb, 22 pp.)
- Chapter 8: Estimate Pollutant Loads
Brief description | Read full chapter (PDF, 897 kb, 44 pp.)
- Chapter 9: Set Goals & Identify Load Reductions
Brief description | Read full chapter (PDF, 396 kb, 16 pp.)
- Chapter 10: Identify Possible Management Strategies
Brief description | Read full chapter (PDF, 528 kb, 26 pp.)
- Chapter 11: Evaluate Options & Select Final Management Strategies
Brief description | Read full chapter (PDF, 843 kb, 42 pp.)
- Chapter 12: Design Implementation Program & Assemble Watershed Plan
Brief description | Read full chapter (PDF, 714 kb, 38 pp.)
- Chapter 13: Implement Watershed Plan & Measure Progress
Brief description | Read full chapter (PDF, 728 kb, 18 pp.)
- Appendix A: Resources
Brief description | Read full appendix (PDF, 273 kb, 14 pp.)
- Appendix B: Worksheets
Brief description | Read full appendix (PDF, 320 kb, 28 pp.)
- Glossary
Brief description | Read full glossary (PDF, 174 kb, 8 pp.)
- Bibliography
Brief description | Read full bibliography (PDF, 195 kb, 14 pp.)