
Welcome to the Watershed Academy"s Distance Learning Program -- Watershed Academy Web. This Web site offers a variety of self-paced training modules that represent a basic and broad introduction to the watershed management field. The modules are organized by the six themes listed above. Modules vary in the time they to complete, from ½ hour to 2 hours. Fifteen of them (marked with asterisks * below) are the core modules for the Watershed Academy Certificate Program.
Introductory/Overview Modules These modules introduce the principles of the watershed approach and the value of working at a watershed level.
Watershed Ecology Modules These modules show that watersheds are natural systems that provide substantial benefits to people and the environment when they are kept in good condition.
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Introduction to watershed ecology (HTML version), (PDF version, 1.8MB, 37 pages) |
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Protecting instream flows: how much water does a river need? (HTML version), (PDF version, 1.2MB, 22 pages) |
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Stream corridor structure (HTML version), (PDF version, 8.0MB, 34 pages) |
Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning: maintaining natural life support processes (PDF version only, 968KB, 14 pages) |
Birds: bellwethers of watershed health (HTML version), (PDF version, 1.7MB, 24 pages) |
Wetland functions and values (HTML version), (PDF version, 1.3MB, 23 pages) |
Understanding lake ecology (HTML version), (PDF version, 871KB, 57 pages) |
The role of nearshore ecosystems as fish and shellfish nurseries (PDF version only, 186KB, 14 pages) |
Watershed Change Modules These modules describe both natural and human-induced changes in watersheds, and compare normal changes with changes of concern.
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Agents of watershed change (HTML version), (PDF version, 3.2MB, 49 pages) |
Growth and Water Resources (HTML version only) (PDF version, 3.6MB, 29 pages)
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Nonpoint source pollution with Nitrogen and Phosphorus (PDF version only, 472KB, 14 pages)
Invasive non-native species (HTML version only) |
Human alteration of the global Nitrogen cycle (PDF version only, 878KB, 17 pages) |
Biotic invasions: causes, epidemiology, global consequences and control (PDF version only, 349KB, 22 pages) |
Nutrient pollution of coastal rivers, bays, and seas (PDF version only, 947KB, 17 pages)
Effects of aquaculture on world fish supplies(PDF version only, 231KB, 14 pages) |
Analysis and Planning Modules These modules address how watershed planning, monitoring and assessment are important first steps toward solving problems.
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Introduction to the watershed planning process (HTML version), (PDF version, 1.3MB, 28 pages) |
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Overview of watershed monitoring (HTML version), (PDF version, 4.3MB, 33 pages) |
Rapid bioassessment protocols (HTML version), (PDF version, 2.0MB, 34 pages) |
Watershed ecological risk assessment (HTML version), (PDF version, 1.9MB, 32 pages) |
Watershed modeling (HTML version), (PDF version, 8.9MB, 35 pages) |
Fundamentals of the Rosgen Stream Classification System (HTML Version Only)
Training in Use of the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) and NHDPlus (HTML Version Only) |
Management Practices Modules These modules show how watershed management challenges such as urban runoff, cropland management, forestry and other issues are addressed by techniques that reduce environmental impacts.
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Eight tools of watershed protection in developing areas (HTML version), (PDF version, 2.7MB, 30 pages) |
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Agricultural management practices for water quality protection(HTML version), (PDF version, 2.7MB, 54 pages) |
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Forestry Best Management Practices in watersheds (HTML version), (PDF version, 4.9MB, 47 pages) |
Stream corridor restoration tools (HTML version only) |
Restoration: what"s right/wrong with this picture? (HTML version only) |
Introduction to EPA"s drinking water source protection programs (PDF version only, 4.5MB, 119 pages) |
Source water protection: Best Management Practices and other measures for protecting drinking water supplies (PDF version only, 3.6MB, 125 pages) |
Controlling underground injection of wastewater (PDF version only, 2.1MB, 65 pages) |
Advanced drinking water technology workshop (Powerpoint version for web) |
Managing transient non-community drinking water systems (Powerpoint version for web) |
Applying ecological principles to management of the U.S. national forests (PDF version only, 1.1MB, 22 pages) |
Ecological principles for managing land use (PDF version only, 579KB, 12 pages) | Community/Social/Water Law Modules These modules cover social issues, communications, relevant laws and regulations. They concentrate on the human element of watershed management.
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Getting in step: a guide to effective outreach in your watershed (HTML version), (PDF version, 2.4MB, 49 pages) |
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Top ten watershed lessons learned (PDF version, 11.5MB, 85 pages) |
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Introduction to the Clean Water Act (HTML version), (PDF version, 4.3MB, 70 pages) |
Introduction to the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1996 (Powerpoint version), (PDF version, 1.9MB, 100 pages) |
Water in a changing world (PDF version only, 671KB, 18 pages) |
Statewide watershed management executive overview (HTML version), (PDF version, 1.6MB, 21 pages) |
Economics of sustainability (PDF version only, 815KB, 61 pages) |
Monitoring consortiums (HTML version only) |
Introduction to public water systems (PDF version only, 2.8MB, 125 pages)
Grade K through 12 watershed learning links (HTML version only) |