عکس ماهواره ای لندست از ایران ( عکس های ماهواره ای )
Path 166 Row 38 22 August 1987 Landsat TM Projection - UTM SE Iraq and SW Iran CD# 1197. 23 September 1987 Landsat MSS Projection - UTM SE Iraq and SW Iran CD# 1028 ...
Path 166 Row 39
Path 165 Row 37
03 June 1973 Landsat MSS Projection - RAW Khuzistan, SW Iran CD# 1013. 15 August 1987 Landsat TM Projection - UTM Khuzistan, SW Iran CD# 1208 ...
Path 168 Row 36
Path 167 Row 37
Path 168 Row 37
Path 165 Row 39