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وبلاگ تخصصی مهندسین مرتع و آبخیزداری

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عکس انواع فرسایش(چهارشنبه 85 اسفند 9 ساعت 4:38 عصر )

باقیمانده فرسایش رودخانه ( عکس انواع فرسایش )



  باقیمانده فرسایش رودخانه
باقیمانده فرسایش رودخانه

فرسایش کنگلومرا در رخساره تناوبی مارن و ماسه سنگ و کنگلومرا در منطقه شامکان- چهار گوش ورقه شامکان_من ( عکس انواع فرسایش )



فرسایش کنگلومرا در رخساره تناوبی مارن و ماسه سنگ و کنگلومرا در منطقه شامکان- چهار گوش ورقه شامکان_منطقه کوهسرخ در مسیر جاده نیشابور کاشمر
توسط: نصیر نادری میقان

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عکس انواع فرسایش ( کنار رودخانه ای )(چهارشنبه 85 اسفند 9 ساعت 4:31 عصر )

کنترل فرسایش کنار رودخانه ای ( عکس انواع فرسایش )


» مجتبی رجب پور و رضا نوروزی
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عکس انواع فرسایش(چهارشنبه 85 اسفند 9 ساعت 4:28 عصر )

تصاویری از دنیایی فرسایش و عوامل مربوط به آن ( عکس انواع فرسایش )




A hill side in northern New Zealand showing creeping erosion. Large sections of soil are slowly creeping downhill, leaving deep cracks behind. Notice the difference in soil management between the farm on left, who uses fertiliser and the one on the right side of the fence, who doesn"t.



A hill side near the one on left, showing land clipping where sheep and cattle tread. Clips are small drops of soil, leaving bare soil behind


slip or land slide

A slip or land slide on a hill side in northern New Zealand. The bare soil left behind is very vulnerable to erosion from raindrop impact and should be fertilised and re-sown, followed by fertiliser maintenance. Seeding alfalfa, which is a leguminous deep-rooting ground cover, resistant to drought, could hasten the soil"s recovery.


creep with tunnelling

A form of creep caused by tunnelling and subsequent collapse of the underground tunnel. Such erosion forms creeping gullies that are very hard to contain. Planting trees uphill preventively and inside the gully helps to contain it and to minimise erosion by water. Retirement would not necessarily be a remedy


retired and fenced hillside

The erodible hillside has been retired from grazing and fenced off. Natural vegetation is allowed to re-establish, pioneered by the leguminous and prickly gorse. Gorse is considered a pest because it infests poor farmland and is hard to eradicate. But for hillslopes like these, it brings natural nitrogen fertiliser, while preparing the soil for the native bush (on left


space-planted trees

A hillside preventively planted in poplar trees, widely spaced in order to let light through. Trees anchor the soil, cycle deep nutrients and provide decomposing litter to feed the soil. Fallen branches and stems slow down sheet wash. Leaf litter covers the soil against raindrop damage. Stems and branches can be used in gullies to stem the flow of water


spaced tree planting on hill side

A hill side is preventively planted in widely spaced poplar trees. These trees bring many advantages and may make a decisive difference in the sustainability of this grassland. The trees are not intended to be harvested, but need occasional maintenance


dense gully planting

To overcome gully erosion and land slides, the gullies have been planted with poplar trees in dense formation. Poplar trees can be planted as tall posts, reaching over cattle and sheep, so the area does not need to be fenced off.



Particularly where grazing animals camp, the ground becomes compacted and waterlogged, a process called pugging. Pugs with standing water in them, are the result. The soil is bared, and exposed to raindrop impact damage



Where animals tramp on their accustomed patterns of movement, the soil becomes compacted and pugged. Particularly on dairy farms where the cows walk to and from the milking shed twice daily, this can be a problem. Paving sensitive pathways, helps to protect the soil from eroding


riparian fence

The riparian fence in this picture was not placed to protect a river bank but to protect a stand of mangrove trees in northern New Zealand. As can be seen, these plants disappeared where cattle grazed.



A four-wheel drive truck topdressing pasture in New Zealand. This farm is accessible by four-wheel drive vehicle, but even then, a suitable day must be picked, with little wind and the soil dry enough. Steeper farms are topdressed by plane


ploughing downhill, not along contours

A cropland near Bombay, New Zealand, is not being ploughed along height contours, inviting disaster. Farmers often plough this way to prevent waterlogging; water trapped between furrows. The methods used also leave far too much soil bare


massive erosion on cropland

Not far from the place on left, this cropland was severely damaged by rain. It was courting disaster by not contour-ploughing, and allowing such a long water course (field length down-hill). Estimated loss: 10% of the top soil in one rain storm! Notice how rilling starts already high up the field


strip cropping and contour ploughing

Fields take on bizarre patterns when ploughed along height contours. But it reduces erosion considerably. The picture shows how the land is cropped in strips, each with its own crop and seasonal timing


terraced padi culture

In the humid tropics, padi culture has proved its sustainability. The terraces contour the land, forming perfectly horizontal cropland, which harvests its own water. Padis make their own nitrogen fertiliser with the help of Azolla ferns


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مواد و روش های کنترل فرسایش تپه
برداشت نی برای خمیر کاغذ : به حداقل رساندن فرسایش بادی
بیابان زایی و بیابان زدایی
شاحص های مهم بیابان زایی از منظر آب
دعوت به همکاری
بنام خالق طبیعت
[عناوین آرشیوشده]

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وبلاگ تخصصی مهندسین مرتع و آبخیزداری
مدیر وبلاگ : مجتبی رجب پور و رضا نوروزی[347]
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مجتبی رجب پور
مجتبی رجب پور (@)[0]

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arc gis
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کتاب داده های فرسایش پذیری خاک در مدل جهانی WEPP
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سولات ارشد فرسایش خاک
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وبلاگ تخصصی مهندسین مرتع و آبخیزداری
رتبه سنج گوگل وضعیت یاهو

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